August Group is full.

Get on the waitlist for the next group here.

Start truly enjoying the life that you worked so hard to stop numbing out of.

Uncorking Your Life is an intimate 6 month group coaching program where you will continue to meet and heal the things (relationships with others, the past, yourself, stress, etc.) that led you to overdrink in the first place.

EVERYTHING we do within this program supports you to achieve these 2 objectives by the end of our 6 months of working together:

  • START caring for yourself the same way that you care for your loved ones.

    • Feel more empowered to speak your truth and honestly connect in your important relationships rather than biting your tongue for fear of hurting someone else’s feelings.

    • Catch and redirect yourself whenever you fall into old habits of blaming others for how you feel.

    • Lean into self-compassion and start talking to yourself the same way to talk to your daughter or granddaughter.

  • STOP feeling like you have to “get rid of” your emotions.

    • Be more at peace and accepting of the highs and lows of your emotions

    • Know and practice the step by step of how to “be with” your negative emotions (not just theory- the actual practice of what to do.)

    • Experience a negative emotion without feeling like you need to numb out with food/scrolling/shopping or other.  

Your investment in Uncorking Your Life after Overdrinking Group Program is $1,200 (USD).

Early Bird special (before July 29) is $833 (US) + a VIP private intensive session with Caroline

OPTIONAL ADD ON: You can add private 6 private 1:1 sessions (once a month) for $750.

Figuring out your drinking is a huge accomplishment! Congratulations!!!!

If your experience is like mine, once that wine fog lifted, you can see more clearly what drinking was helping you avoid.

You know that you in a better position to deal with the problems that life throws your way, and are craving a community of like minded women who want to support one another through it.

This is exactly why I created this new group- to continue to meet and heal the things that led you to overdrink in the first place.

Participant Testimonial

“When I was in grade school, my class went to a baseball game at RFK Stadium in D.C. I got so intent on finding the vendor for ice cream that others had purchased, I found myself far from our group. I was alone and lost in the gigantic, concrete sports arena.

I quickly left the food concourse and headed into the seating arena. I stood there paralyzed, shocked by my predicament. I didn't know it right away but I was all the way across the stadium, half way from where I started!

 As luck would have it, there was a redhead boy in our class. My good eyes scanned the crowd, looking for a clue to find my way back. Once I saw him, I knew I could get back and realized how far I needed to go. 

That feeling of having a touch tree, has never left me. It changes everything. 

When I started coaching with Caroline, I was like the kid lost looking for ice cream. I had so many pressures and uncertainties in my life, and no way to handle them. I was winging it and headed for disaster.

She became my touch tree, giving me steps and rationale for small changes. These changes have brought me to where I belong, not necessarily where I am comfortable, but not way off course like before. 

For me, her help with my relationships and people pleasing tendencies has been monumental. Also sorting out priorities and deeply ingrained negative thought patterns.

Probably the biggest benefit of coaching with Caroline, for me, is that I have a touch tree. She is an incredible listener and genuinely caring, let's get to the bottom of this, coach. She wastes no time and always leaves me feeling uplifted and relieved that I dared to share my thoughts with her. 

I don't know if this helps you decide about coaching, but if you are thinking about it, especially if you struggling and miserable, then I would say go for it. I cannot recommend her enough!”

I first met Coach Caroline Holke in 2021 when she began volunteering her time as coach, moderator and administrator of the AF Alumni FB Community of which I am a founder.  I’ve been living my life happily alcohol free for nearly six years now.  This has been a healthy living and personal growth journey of which continued learning and coaching has played a very important role.  It was with confidence that I turned to Coach Caroline when the demands and stress of my husband’s ALS disease care grew in 2023.  I knew from experience that her coaching philosophy was a perfect fit for my preferred knowledge-based learning style.

For the past 7 months I have immensely enjoyed working with Coach Caroline in both her small group Uncorked Living course and in 1 on 1 coaching sessions.  Her guidance and the content in her course have allowed me to maintain a balance in this challenging journey.  I feel so much stronger and feel more confident in my ability to handle whatever comes my way.   Caroline has provided me with a safety net to work on things that in the past had made me uncomfortable.  As a life long people-pleaser I had been clinging to the idea that if I got it right, everyone around me would feel good and smile about it.  Working with Caroline has afforded me the opportunity to try new things and feel safe with the knowledge that it might feel uncomfortable and that is ok.

The decision to sign up for Caroline’s Uncorked Living course provided the accountability anchor I need with someone I respected and I felt was resourceful. I am so very glad I did; it has helped me to be sure to care for both myself and my husband needs in a balanced and healthy way.  It is for these many reasons I have decided to signed up for Uncorked Living 2.0 and continue my personal growth work with Caroline.  With this continuing learning as part of my self care toolkit I am looking forward with a positive mindset ability to see opportunities of growth in challenging time.  An added bonus is that I get to share this continuing journey with the amazing small group of women.  I would highly recommend Coach Caroline Holke courses and 1 on 1 support for anyone looking to take the next step in their own personal growth journey!

“When I learned to vocalize what I was thinking (especially the things that I didn’t want to say)in a safe space, I learned to challenge MY OWN expectations of what it “should” be, and my life has been forever changed.”

Caroline Holke

As with everything else, with practice, this became easier and I was able to start telling the truth to the people in my life. Turns out that not only did I not die, but those relationships got stronger because I was actually being me.

I designed this program because I know that some of the most profound moments of change come from allowing ourselves to be seen by others. This is a very difficult impasse to reach - especially for Type A, high achievers who have spent decades shielding our truths and not letting our guard down because that is not how you get ahead. The real hurt here is that we eventually stop trusting ourselves.

My vision is to bring together a group of women who want a supportive environment in which to start the deep work of healing.

  • Heal their relationships with others

  • Heal their relationship with the past

  • Heal their relationship with the future

  • Heal their relationship with themselves

As part of this 6-month group coaching community, you will get the camaraderie and support from a group environment, the opportunity to dive deeper and focus exclusively on you in your private work and you will start to feel safe enough to see others and to allow yourself to be seen.

  • 3 Group coaching sessions per month

  • Private work between sessions

  • Optional accountability partners

  • 6-month access to all materials and replays.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Logistics

    Program includes

    • 18 group sessions

    • via zoom

  • Group (18 total)

    Tuesdays at 10:00 am Central Time (time zone converter) for 1 hour.

  • Tuesday, August 6- Jan 14, 2025 at 10:00 am Central

    3 Group sessions per month (except Oct - with 4 sessions)

  • Time

    3 hours per week. 1 hour for sessions and 20 per day for self study. < 2% of your week.

  • Cost

    Group ONLY $1,200 (USD)


    Group + Six 1:1 $1,950 (USD)

This program will be a good fit for you if you:

  • Have the relationship that you want with alcohol and know that there is more work that you want to do.

  • See with more clarity the areas in your life that could use some attention (now that the alcohol fog has lifted.)

  • Know that your life can be better and are ready to learn how and take responsibility for making that happen.  

  • Are willing to be a beginner and engage in self-discovery both in session and on your own.

  • Are open to showing up for yourself and your fellow group members in our sessions.

  • Are willing to show up messy to be coached. (No myth of perfection in this program!)

  • Want to be in community with supportive and like-minded people.

  • Are ready to connect with your inner wisdom and feel more grounded when deciding what is right for you.

Caroline Holke

What are my credentials to offer this program?

1) Lived experience. My last hangover was in August of 2016, so I have eight years of being on “this” side of drinking in a way that I like. No one would have said that I had a drinking problem, but I had a problem with my drinking and changed it.

I was certain that my life was going to be completely different when I stopped drinking in a way that I didn’t like. Turns out that when the fog lifted, I still felt trapped in a job that I didn’t like, I had a couple of teenagers (the teenage brain is facinating …), an autoimmune disease and all these emotions that I wasn’t numbing out of anymore (this was the worst.)

2) I have coached with hundreds of women 1:1 in my private coaching to help them Drink Less and Live More. I know how to help clients achieve their goals by working through all of the doubt, fear and confusion that comes up when the primitive brain is screaming that they are definitely going to die. I have also hired a coach with over 20 years experience to fine tune the Uncorking Your Life after Overdrinking curriculum.

I would love to have you join us. .